
When you have been heavily using 1 language for 6 months, then start a project in another - where da fuq did all my memory muscle go!

  • 2
    Gold that came out of my mouth last month: "is string capitalized in Java?" 😅 I legit did not remember lmao. I don't understand why it all disappears so quickly. Probably because intellisense does 99% of the work for me and I just sit and think what it should type.
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    @Elyz 😅
    It's the little things that hurt right now.

    It's all good, an hour in and my mojo is starting to come back, it's like riding a bike again except I got on it backwards.
  • 0
    This happens to the best of us. How cool of you to know that much languages, I visited your GitHub, it seems like you know at least two, that’s so cool!
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