
Screwdriver followup ticket, day three. No progress made, no fucks given.

I am tired.

  • 6
    Does it have a telescopic sight yet, or is that gonna be v2?
  • 3
    Dearest empress @Root,

    well done, my lady. Don't give a single flying fuck. Did you manage to fill up your inventory of rum?
  • 3
    @homo-lorens That’s a good description of the current feature requests, actually πŸ™„

    @rootofskynet Not yet. Just whiskey and gin. The whiskey is sitting on my desk. 😊. Who said working while tipsy was a bad idea?
  • 1
    @Root well, definitely not me. xD
    have a good one! skål! 🍻
  • 2
    You know that wonderful stateless, modular approach you used? It’s great, right? Super fast and clean and easy to test. Let me just take a crap on that. πŸ˜ƒ

    I now want a section that shows a summary of all the other sections. Good luck!
  • 2
    But will it blend?
  • 2
    just ask them if they’d rather have a whole operating system at that point
  • 3
    Day five.
    I did about half a day’s work this week.
  • 2
    @AtuM I am drunk driving my meat suit right now
  • 0
    @g3g3g4g23g32g πŸ˜‚
  • 0
    @hjhe5ig5reoi5re πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Keep it up. You are making my night!
  • 1
    @hjhe5ig5reoi5re Aw. πŸ˜”
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