Appraisals are pretty insightful times. I wanted to check how much work I do as compared to others in the team. So, I tried to pull up number of pull requests created by me and others in the team. And to my surprise, I create 4x(I created about 850 pull requests) more pull requests than the next contributor(200 pull requests). I knew in general I was doing more work and much faster, but this is just too much.

I know number of pull requests is not an indicator for the amount of work done by anybody, but I had this feeling as well that I was doing more than others. I often see other members of the team not putting that much effort, and rather have a relaxed approach to getting work done. They pick one ticket and take the whole week to complete it slowly. While I hustle to get as much done as possible.

As far as the appraisals go, I am kind of laid back in terms of contributing towards overall organization which is now getting more weighted for my appraisal. So, despite me doing quite a lot of work, I am getting the appraisal at par with others in the team.

So, its kind of feels a little bit uncomfortable.

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    There is another thing here that if you're a junior (which of course you may not be), working faster doesn't always mean faster and better delivery.

    If I choos between someone doing 10 PRs a month but puts thought into software design and builds something with good extension points, well testes for maintenance and refactoring, clean code Vs 100 PRs with just copy paste and no thought to design - so like just scripting over and over - I'd take the first guy every time.
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    If PRs start becoming a metric for advancement I dread to think what’s going to happen. On the plus side, all typos will be fixed and code will be extensively commented.
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    PRs are a terrible metric for performance - almost as bad as LoC or similar counts. I've had weeks where I've slacked a bit and done over 4 times as many as weeks where I've been working my arse off.

    Some PRs are trivial, others require a huge amount of work. Some need lots of insight and collaboration, others are quick individual fixes. And some might just be dev-only affairs, whereas others can be tied to recreating a very specific scenario in a dev environment that takes weeks to reproduce.

    Sure, you might genuinely be doing 4x as much work as anyone else, it can happen. But PR count is a terrible way to try to show it.
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