
Linux is awesome. In runs on my fridge (Tizen), my TV (Tizen), my phone (Android), my watch (Android Wear), My PC (Ubuntu) and my laptop (Kali). I'm now trying to force my parents to convert to Linux.

  • 21
    I 'forced' my parents and sister as well. I'm the only computer guy nearby for them and since I refuse to work with closed source operating systems and they want help sometimes... They like it more than both windows and os x though πŸ˜ƒ
  • 26
    We forcred our kids. It makes problems with school that asks them to make home work on sites that uses MS products... But I really don't care.
    This year we had to install MonoDevelop for our kid that started learning C# at school.

    Changing the world, one step at a time πŸ˜€
  • 3
    @tamar That's great. Almost always, there is an open source alternative to Windows software. If not, I use WINE or VirtualBox to get the program running.
  • 8
    @tamar my school fives every student a free office 365 account so we can use any os / use it if we cannot afford ms office
  • 10
    @-ScratchOs It's not about money, it's a matter of principle
  • 7
    Oh wait... THIS IS MY FIRST RANT!!! Oh yeah.πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
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  • 2
    @XiovV Howso?
  • 4
    They find it easier to use than windows actually haha. When they used windows they called me every week with troubles, nothing except for a regular email/cookie cleanup every year since they use Linux!
  • 4
    @jAsE Why would you take a backup of windows if you don't use it? :P
  • 3
    Games though?
  • 3
    Why would Munich get rid of Linux? Doesn't make sense
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    @sesar54 PlayOnLinux with WINE. Else VM. Good thing I have a lot of RAM that I can dedicate to the VM when playing.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil You should then check out Bash for Windows. It's gr8 if you want to run some Linux programs on Windows.
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    A thing which I should point out after looking at some other rants is that I'm not a hardcore Linux fanatic.

    Even Windows is awesome and has some stuff which Linux could do with.

    No, I love both Linux-based operating systems and Windows; I just want Linux distros to get a bit more respect. A lot of work goes into Ubuntu, Fedora and others and it is sad that they are not used by more people. However, users haven’t flocked to the penguin in droves because of its fractured ecosystem and the apparent lack of familiar software if you don't know where to look.
  • 2
    @tamar you could alse help him with .Net core, since .Net standard has most of the libraries he'll be using when learning
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    Several years ago we had an old Pentium IV with very low specs so I install Lubuntu, but my mom tried to force me to install win XP because of ms office, I never did 😝
  • 3
    I love reading this kinda shit❀
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    I prefer windows CE ;)
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    @Faraaz beacues their devs have programmed the worst distro in the world and the politicians dont know there are distros like ubuntu
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    @tamar that's great. My dad never forced me to use Linux but installed it as an option on my PC when I first got one. At first I never used it but a couple of months in I almost exclusively used Linux. About a year into it, I went full Linux. Now I have windows just for games, Adobe XD and for unity3D.
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    @XiovV I moved one of my friend's home PC to Ubuntu and I actually never had any issues with them calling.
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    Now my dad's mac is running slow and I say "just install linux on it" :p

    My sister's laptop running slow, I say "just install linux on it" :p

    My mom's old desktop is old as hell, I say "I'm installing Linux on it" :p
  • 0
    Android is so fucking inefficient compared to iOS. Performance wise
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