#devrant , you really need to do something about it . The GitHub account is literally named "cheating wife"


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    Just tell his wife
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    Lol. Help him fuck his wife over lol if she’s cheating
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    Still convinced it's just a troll

    @dfox 👀
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    get married they say
    it will give meaning to you life they say

    lel i guess righteous vengeance is as valid a reason to live as everything else

    also, @theabbie:
    tell his wife, why? so that she can keep abusing the trust put into her by the act of marriage?

    i know this kind of stories by heart, was a construction worker for 10 years.

    guy works overtime to provide for his family.
    at the beginning, its all right because the girl is working too. but when kids arrive things change.
    the guy climbed up the ladder so the girl doesnt need to work anymore. so she stays at home.

    and gets bored. up to the point she starts to hate her position.

    but she wont speak up or anything because another side of her likes her life. so she spices things up, behind the hubby's back.
    he's barely at home and when he is he's a zombie. he won't find out anyways...

    and the best part of it is that its somehow the husbands fault.
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    @theabbie so, in the end, by virtue of feminizm women are supposed to be that strong, immaculate characters but somehow are too stupid to be responsible in their life choices.

    so which one is it?
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    @bad-frog I don't fucking care if she cheats on him
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    @theabbie thats honest, at least. i respect that
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    If his (assuming it's a man) wife is cheating, then it's on him to ask for divorce and move on (harder said than done, especially given the emotional/financial expenses lost).

    At the same time, there's so little context but staying with her is certainly not the right thing.
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    @Berkmann18 for a divorce to go the hubby's way the woman has to be some sort of bottom feeder crackwhore shoplifting junkie and even then its not a given.

    because proving cheating is quite hard in practice
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    @bad-frog True, it's hard and some countries (or marriage contracts) may require some form of evidence (e.g. SMS, the wife being consentially humped by someone) but I believe he could always hire some detectives to see if said wife is actually cheating (something not unusual in the parts of Central Europe I've lived in).
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    @Berkmann18 sure, you could do that. but thats the best case scenario.

    also you have to take into account the emotional impact of such things:
    because, in practice the cheated would have to live with the cheater without the latter suspecting something until enough evidence could be amassed...

    yeah, no wonder there: the family is the basic unit of society. not only you have group cohesion at a small scale, but, more importantly, you have trans-generational wealth accumulation (free from modern slavery) and historical continuity (they cant rewrite history), both of which jeopardize the ambitions of power of the management.

    you could put an equals sign between promoting family values and anti-globalizm
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    @bad-frog It's indeed not that simple (especially if the marriage includes pricey possessions like a house or a car) and being cheated on by someone you live with can make things harder (or easier for collecting evidence).

    But if someone thinks their partner is cheating on them, there are signs that can be spotted (speaking as someone who knew his ex cheated on him miles away before she admitted doing that) and it's up to the suspecting partner to look out for those (not a fun activity but a must IMO, even if someone has close to 0 trust for others or has been taken advantage of so many times in the past).

    It's a complex issue (given the psychological, emotional aspects) but there are solutions to that (although it's easier for couples than married ones).
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    @Berkmann18 id say there are mitigation startegies, not solutions per se.

    the root cause is in the education.
    and by education i also mean the pressure law exerts on behaviour.

    thats why anything westernized is a red flag for me. not that i didnt get burned on eastern girls either.

    good thing im good at profiling: things didnt go sufficiently far as to make breakup a problem and now im sated so golddiggers can bite me
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    @Berkmann18 but it isnt a "women issue" only.
    plenty of men go along with such bs because they are weak, and in one of the most despicable ways: letting oneself be lead by the tip of the dick.

    i say its an educational/civilisational problem.
    and things dont look like improving anytime soon...
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    When in the world Devrant became Facebook?
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    @bad-frog True, it's an issue that affects both sexes, which can be solved with education.

    @johnmelodyme Good question 😁.
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    I strongly convinced that @bad-frog have no clue of what this rant is about.

    I believe Devrant was created for Dev to rant about their bad days and anything related to Dev.

    If you want to start a controversial debate, take it to Facebook man, Devrant just is not the place for this shit.

    Like do you even read bro?
  • -1
    @johnmelodyme i read the terms of service.
    im well within bounds and so is op.
    wanna know when devrant became a second facebook?
    the moment devrant users politicized it.
    im just tagging along, dont blame me.
  • -1
    @johnmelodyme what makes me curious is that i didnt see you react on people ranting about pissing themselves or blatant communist propaganda.

    its rhetoric. you could consider this a polite way to say bugger of m8
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    @bad-frog politicised?how is ranting about tech a political matter?
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    How is raising up to the Developer of this app that there's someone is breaking the terms and ridiculous behaviour on the platform somehow political?
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    @bad-frog where..? Tag all of us.
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    @johnmelodyme i'd refer you to my latest comment, which seems you have missed
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    @bad-frog pics and links please.
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    @bad-frog well again pics and links
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    Give us the pics and links WE will investigate , and see which is which.
  • -1
    @johnmelodyme so youre part of the devs team?

    grep the comment database for "communism"
    you dont need me for that
  • -1
    @johnmelodyme its bullshit shaming youre doing right now.
    doing so youre turning devrant into facebook yourself
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    @bad-frog I wish I am the Dev team ... Don't accuse Devrant for something there are not.
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    @bad-frog well provide me the link and pics that's you mentioned that people of Devrant who politicised topics to me. We investigate we will see who is making this platform a Facebook.
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    @bad-frog is "Communism" is the only word you use after FAILURE TO READ THE TITLE? Yes?
  • -1
    @johnmelodyme is communism the only word you can recognize after failing to decypher what the letters in the terms of service are?
  • -1
    @johnmelodyme im not a rat and its not your place to police devrant.
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    @bad-frog wow your intelligence just blowing my mind...
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    @bad-frog police? We don't do that here.
  • -1
    > wants to "investigate" who are those despicable anarchists who break devrants TOS

    > "police ? we don't do that here"

    >insults my intelligence

    youre a walking punchline, bro
    lay down the indignation a bit its getting to your head
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    @bad-frog 👏👏👏
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    @johnmelodyme that better be an evil genius slow clap.
    i would be disappointed otherwise
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    @johnmelodyme if you can drop in a "mister bond" that would be awesome
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    "sticks and stones can break my bones but -1 wont hurt me"

    being a coward is one thing, but at least you could be consistent. you missed some
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    @johnmelodyme thats better.

    now i will leave this room and forget about you while you will drown in your own bile <3

    take care
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    lol all better
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    I saw that ones thread. Obvious troll is obvious and it got fed so much egofat it got full of itself on the one place fat codebase is not a sin, github.

    Good job everyone.
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    is that English?
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    @johnmelodyme the post in the screenshot with downvotes
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    @bananaerror it is English .
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    @johnmelodyme it's terrible English.
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    @johnmelodyme I didn't mean your post 😂 I meant sickofthisshit81's post.
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    @bananaerror oh.... I thought was my post.

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