
We had an issue where a query to a db replica set was returning duplicates randomly when paging. Aka each HTTP call for next N results was hitting different dbs with same/copy data.

No one could figure out why... I look at the query and ask where's the ORDER BY ID?

These guys were interviewing ppl last week and saying how even they could solve algo questions they were asking candidates.

And so to explain the problem, I'm like "tell me what's the difference between a list and a sorted list?"

#why algo questions suck at predicting job performance

  • 2
    I got a mind blowing fact for them: the difference is that sorted lists are...sorted!! I’m sure most people would guess the difference, dev or !dev. And anyone who’s good at algorithms would know basic data structure facts like this, as well as common sense
  • 2
    Common sense is a rarity these days
  • 1
    Not these days. Has been that way forever.
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