The other day I was thinking about how much more truck drivers in the US can sometimes earn delivering the goods that are sold on the e-commerce websites I build than I earn building said websites.

Plus, they get to see way more of the country than I do as a coder.

Seriously thinking that before I retire I might have to give being a truck driver a go.

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    Biggest con.... You're alone.

    For days - if it's a long run.
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    @-red Definitely not. I have friends who do it or whose fathers did. But I’d chalk it up to good, hard, honest work. Some software projects just seem frivolous by comparison.
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    @IntrusionCM I’m good with alone time. I could get through a lot of audiobooks and podcasts that way.
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    At least as far as longer hauls... truck driving generally pays jack shit.

    Their income hasn't increased in ages.
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    In USA beeing a trucker seems a good job, here in Brazil you need to sleep with an eye opened hehe Im thinking about something like that, my gf don't liked so much that idea, but who knows get a van and travel through the USA for some months
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