
Node is without a doubt the ultimate clusterfuck.

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    Under certain circumstances, yes.
    If you really know the shit you do, probably equal the clusterfuckness as other languages.
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    npm install clusterfuck
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    npm isntall thatgreat
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    there is nothing else to add.
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    @Eklavya isntall also works, believe it or not https://npmjs.com/package/...
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    @molaram you can't just go online and tell someone their cat is fat!
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    node_modules & npm cache = half the HDD storage is gone :)
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    I mean js it’s built on js
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    What do you mean by that? It adds super reasonable dependencies to your node_modules folder like is-three, is-not-five and is-ten-million!
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    @molaram It feeds on bullshit.
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    Not sure what you mean, 1.5GB dependencies for the groundworks of a project sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

    Unless you are on 12GB of RAM and trying to build Docker images from that; WSL please learn to give me my memory back if you don't need it anymore...
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    @gof6yogy In what world is 1.5 gb of dependencies acceptable? There are operating systems written with half of that. (Unless you also added in storage for datasets/db stores)
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    @AvyChanna nono, just the node_modules directories of frontend, backend and ui combined!

    I'm curious what would happen if I moved away from Yarn workspaces so dependencies could not be hoisted! Aaaaaaaah, the wonderful world of webdev :)

    In Node's (slight) defense though, it was my idiotic idea to build a complete stack with TypeScript. I have learned my lesson but oh sunken cost fallacy!
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