URL shortening at it's best

  • 67
    That's just a way to check if people actually want a job
  • 33
    Even if I wanted the job I would not type that
  • 10
    @jonjo OCR might work.
  • 15
    With all that encoding, it could be an xss attack.
  • 4
    This is a test, I'm 100% sure.
  • 1
  • 28
    Decoded version below:

    "http://agency.governmentjobs.com/co...=<wddxPacket version='1.0'><header/><data><struct><var name='CATEGORYID'><string>96,13,1,45,72,163,141,4,130,150,5,131,142,73,143,8,127,91,81,157,87,82,46,144,97,10,11,154,59,15,106,118,146,16,16,123,173,17,18,70,101,44,19,66,41,20,42,134,164,22,64,43,112,148,53,162,24,47,136,84,78,161,121,62,137,109,138,33,158,122,35,86,36,77,110,89</string></var><var name='PROMOTIONALJOBS'><string>0</string></var><var name='TRANSFER'><string>0</string></var><var name='FIND_KEYWORD'><string></string></var></struct></data></wddxPacket>"
  • 11
    Maybe it's a job for an OCR company
  • 13
    It's a dev job. If you can make an app where you just take a photo of the ad and it automatically opens the page in your browser then you get the job.
  • 2
    @fatlard1993 dude - you got some serious typing skills 🙀👏🏼
  • 1
  • 0
    @Gianlu 1001
  • 1
    Some GET params in camel case, rest in snake case.
  • 0
    could honestly be so much longer
  • 0
    Hopefully it's a data entry job...
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