The only game i really want to play right now is my own.

too bad its not at all finished yet...

  • 3
    You and @cyanite should probably work together
  • 1
    Did someone say `Game`?
  • 0
    yeah :) an open world top down shooter. but dont get me wrong, i am still working on the engine 😅 and all it does right now is render static 3D models and lights which cast shadow volumes (and i am proud of that if i may say so 😚)
  • 0
    Not my kind of game anyways. >~< not enough typing and viruses lol
  • 0
    just checked out your project site on git, as i heard of it before. really original idea! but probably we are not a fit, since games like these are not my type either 😂😅 more like down-your-throat bullet hell and loot'n'level
  • 0
    "Really original"
    What I originally wanted to do wouldn't reqlly of been. It would of been a rough copy of HackNet with a WebBrowser and RandomGen. But my new concept is much, much better. ;3
  • 0
    yeah i like the idea about the simulated desktop and web. i have never played a hacking simulation, because i dont really have any relation to hacking (yet), but having an entire virtual web world simulated sounds like a fun playground for hacking fanatics :) have fun at your project and dont give up 😊
  • 0
    @kaqqao it's an Americanism. Language evolution is actually a fascinating subject. Would have -> Would 'av -> Would of.
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