

  • 2
    Anything that is light themed, webpages, other programs, backgrounds, etc.
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    The problems really comes when you have to convince your partner, your parents or everyone that's around you why use the light theme is something that only freaks do
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    Imagine being a frontend designer πŸ™ˆ
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    I'm not anti-light, light is anti-c0d4.

    We are not the same!
  • 3
    One time I set the desktop wallpaper to a slideshow of ~/Pictures and I forgot that I had to take a profile pic a while back so when I closed the IDE I was flashbanged by my own pale white face.
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  • 1
    I… I actually prefer light themes. I feel like it keeps me awake :’)
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    a colleague shared his screen some days ago and i saw him use powershell with white background. i don't know why but i thought that really has something, it's so weird that it's got some style again
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    it's not something to be afraid of.

    it's a surefire sign to spot incompetent coders.
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    @tosensei how does using a light theme make anyone incompetent? It’s just a preference
  • 1
    Nah, it only depends on whether you know about the brightness setting of your monitor or not. If you can't adjust the brightness down to a level matching the brightness of the environment, you have to use a dark them. But otherwise, light themes are fine.
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    Especially on OLED screens
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    I love it when my coworkers come to my desk only to screech at my light themes and forget what they came to ask about πŸ˜‡

    Snazzy light is my current jam, sometimes I zenburn when the suns right on me
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    @Redd it doesn't. i never said anything about causation - only correlation. and in my experience, that's a pretty _strong_ correlation here.
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    I qualify as two of those according to many
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