
Go a text from the IRS this morning.

Started with "Hello dear" and ended with something along the likes of "sir, please do this sir, thank you sir"

Yeeeeeeeh, definitely legit

  • 3
    Greetings [name] you have won [state] lottery! Please click link to claim your €20000000 prize!
  • 13
    Indian Revenue Service
  • 6
    The tax office doesn't want my credit card details to pay my over dues, somehow Apple gift cards are a more secure payment method 🤷‍♂️
  • 6
    Last week I got an "EU compensation" email apologizing for UA/RU war complications, signed by "Ursula von der Leyen (EU president)" and offerring 3M EUR if I provide them with a name and address.

    Sometimes I'm wondering how many people actualy fall for these messages.
  • 1
    I can't figure out what's the problem
  • 1
    hahahahhqhaha an indian has been detected
  • 1
    I don't want anyone here thinking that I have something against Indians. I just hate the fact that spam calls makes them look bad T__T
  • 0
    @qwwerty they intentionally sound ridiculous, in order to filter out anyone with half a brain.
  • 0
    @qwwerty EU president? That's about the most unrealistic part of that email 😂😂😂
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