Nobody uses Android in 2022 fr smh

  • 18
    Hi, I'm Nobody, nice to meet you
  • 4
    When it was bendable nobody liked it…

    But people also didn’t like the ones that used to explode…
  • 5
    OnePlus gang, unite!
  • 4
    I use Android, does everything it needs to do at a forgettable cost. A Samsung A12 and a Samsung smart watch are all I need to keep life organised and stay in touch. No interest in folding phones.
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    Why should i buy hardware for an high price, when i can buy two phone that can do more for the same price.
  • 3
    How about exploding one? They should really think about supporting war efforts in Ukraine.
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    Fucking phones are too expensive the overstock should be doled out to the general public at lesser price after the r and d is done and paid for
    Only morons would pay full price for something collectively worth 50.00 !!!
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    @stop Two phones that slow down after a few months. Compromised security. Low support for OS upgrade on 2-year-old devices.
  • 5
    I think in the dev world 80% is Android. Just because they get how bs ios is
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    Does anyone really like those foldable phones...? To me, it looks like shallow hype.
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    @swagnette OnePlus gang unite!!!
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    I hate corporate social media accounts with a passion
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    I don't live near a farm but did I just hear a sheep? Weird.
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    *sigh* I miss my Windows phone.
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    Wtf is up with phones getting slower ? Seriously it's like windows taking up 2 more gigs of ram after an update to a new version that does the same fucking thing !
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    I don’t get the whole foldable trend
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    @AvatarOfKaine ain't nobody got time for efficiency
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    @AvatarOfKaine Dudes rocking win11 on his flip phone sheeeesh
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    Redmi gang assemble.
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    @cafecortado you should use Nothing phone.

    So you officially are Nobody who use Nothing
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    @PaperTrail as a mobile developer, let just stay at 2 platform for now. That's a lot of work for us.

    I got traumatized for developing applications for blackberry (my boss wanted me to do), windows phone( because Nokia Lumia was trending at that time) , iOS and Android .
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    @Earu but I get it. You fold the phone, it malfunction, you buy a new one.
    Marketing strategy 101
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    @joewilliams007 I agree , I have developed iOS apps for years now , there's something I can agree is that apple is a money vacuum. They suck the money out of you for publishing your app .

    Google is quite chill that I have to pay 25USD for lifetime!
  • 2
    @swagnette no please don't unite.
    I have OnePlus, and I like it, but generally their phones are getting worse and pricier at the same time. Badly built phones and badly optimized OS. They're a shadow of their old self.
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    @johnmelodyme yea but i ment more like how restricitve ios is to its users. And how much stuff a dev and user on android can do
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