Do you agree that the hardest part of the job as a software engineer is not the complication of the tech stack, but working for an inconsiderate arsehole is what makes the job difficult?

  • 4
    The latter ties with angular
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    @melezorus34 I had to interview with one such jerk. I gladly turned my back and went for other opportunities.
  • 3
    @vintprox what’s the story?
  • 2
    @johnmelodyme perhaps, an ordinary tale about recruiter that holds all employees in a tight office with paid coffee, can't explain in Layman's terms what they're even doing like it's a state secret (when it's nothing like this), and forces Angular?..
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    A BIG YES!
  • 0
    Try seeing it from his perspective, once you have that empathy, maybe you can work together on improving the inconsistencies and mistakes.

    Pointing at someone else and blaming it for everything is the easy thing, what any simpleton would do, be above all that
  • 2
    Arseholes. Plural. Yes.
  • 2
    For me it’s the age old problem of lack of soft skills.
  • 1
    @wackOverflow Yes. Like imagine working in a team where is a communication issue.
  • 1
    @melezorus34 an angular arsehole. That makes for some interesting uhm toilet art
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