Have we all been brainwashed to use VS Code? Is there anyone who doesn’t like it? Everywhere I go it’s “you should use VS Code because ‘plugins’ and you don’t have to switch windows when using Terminal. And, we’re moving our toolchain to work with it.”

Well, it sounds to me like you’re trying to hack a Visual Studio IDE on a non-Windows platform, but I digress…

I was going to return to Atom the other day when I discovered that project died near 6 months ago. I’m sad.

  • 1
    @bigmonsterlover Wow, I didn’t know about Pulsar - I’ll check it out!

    I like Vim too, btw.
  • 3
    I use Codium rather than pure VS Code, do I count among to brainwashed? :(

    I mean, It's a good and responsive IDE, cross platform, lightweight, easy on the eyes, customisable... It's pretty much the same thing as Atom afaik, except for the spyware, which Codium solves
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    vs code is like visual studio, only even more awful and incomplete. i dislike it immensely.
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    i use vs code, but just as a text editor - as it is advertised as this. and it's good for editing text imho.
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    @Hazarth I’ll look into that option too.
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    @nebula for editing text, i prefer notepad++
  • 4
    @NickyBones Oh no you didn’t just say that 😩
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    @NickyBones Somebody tried to make me use Eclipse too. I hated them just a little.
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    I don't think plugins is the primary reason.

    I see just as many people using vsCode pretty much out of the box without messing with it

    This isn't like some software that "sucks out of the box but you can make it good with plugins". Maybe in some cases, but not all.

    and if some GNU fan would complain you gotta install plugins for some languages - I wouldn't really get the complaint. isn't extensible software something appreciated?
  • 5
    I use vs code + intellij idea + sublime text combo. Vs code for js and html stuff, idea for java and kotlin, sublime text for quick text edit and mostly notes about stuff. I like extensiblity of vs code. It works quite nice with js stuff like snippets, linting, debugging etc. Tried atom few years ago and couldn't find any reason to migrate to it. Sublime comes in handy with small memory footprint and auto saving tabs feature withouth manually saving to a file. I use it as a temporary text board that can be 1 hour or 1 week. No one told me to "yo dude you should use vs code" so I don't think I'm brainwashed lol
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    VS Code sucks. It's intellisense is incredibly inferior to jetbrains products. Too bad sometimes we are stuck with it.

    Yeah... When intellisense sucks, I would rather use lighter editor such as Atom.
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    After some time with DataGrip initially, and then Rider, I've become a total JetBrains fanboy... Now I use Rider for almost everything, front end to back end, and Notepad++ for the most basic text editing.

    (I even love their font, I enabled ligatures and set everything to use it long before I started using any of their paid products)
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    I'm still at Visual StudioIDE (2022) + resharper.

    I even did just a bit of poython in VS 2022. To my surprise everything (Including debug) worked
  • 1
    Have we all been brainwashed to use cancer? Is there anyone who doesn't like it?
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