Coworker: This guy's computer is completely messed up...

Me: What? Why?

Coworker: So he installed some virus...

Me: Yeah? And...?

Coworker: And apparently it changed all certificates for antivirus programs into Untrusted Certificates - so he can't install anything that could remove the virus!

Me: That's horrifying..

  • 26
    Props to the virus development team for their ingenuity
  • 23
    Well played malware devs. Well played...
  • 6
    Boot linux from an usb. Or, some antivirus companies provide bootable tools. Good luck
  • 7
    He ended up removing the Malwarebytes cert from Untrusted and running it. We recommended reinstalling Windows because fuck that shit, but the customer decided to pick the computer up without repairs because he needs it.
  • 4
    @RiderExMachina that's a fkng timed bomb
  • 1
    Agreed. The guy's a moron... should have brought the PC in at the beginning of the week.
  • 3
    Hats off to the virus developers though
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