
Gradient tape can go fuck itself. ๐Ÿคฌ

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    It works one minute, next it doesn't. ๐Ÿ˜
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    That's some cool tape.
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    @electrineer That's quite some gradient tape you got there. Didn't know such stuff exist.
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    @Archive too cool for school?
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    @electrineer God no. This is exactly the kind of lame thing they teach you in school!
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    @theKarlisK Gradient tape enables backpropogation, as far as I understand. I mean, you could probably use it for other stuff too, for all I know. But mainly, it lets you calculate and apply gradients on your own terms. (Basically what "fit" function does, with extra steps)
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    @Archive The gradient tape I posted could be used for general taping, but I'm pretty sure it has little practical usefulness. It probably only looks cool and leaves sticky residue behind. It might even smell. Well, it might not even look as cool as the product photos would let us believe; it probably looks much better in the photo than what you get once you unwrap the package. The more I look at that tape, the more it feels like I'm looking at a mirror.
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    @electrineer spiraling, aren't we?

    We could spiral down together! ๐Ÿ˜

    I am also still struggling with myself, since 3:20 ish AM, to be exact, until now which is 6:07 AM, about an incident about two months ago, where I was the definition of a shitshow... It was bad. So out of character. But oh well. Shit happens. And plus, the person who triggered me deserved worse. But still. Remembering stuff makes me want the ground to open up and swallow me whole. ๐Ÿคฆ

    So many facepalms.
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    ^ being so annoyed by this now tho is probably a sign that I'm deflecting on other stresses... Oh well. ¯\_(ใƒ„)_/¯
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    @Archive to the tune of the Flintstone theme
    Shitshow, Lady Shitshow
    She's struggling at 5 AM
    Facepalms, many facepalms
    She's an everlasting tragedy.
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    @electrineer ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’ in fact, I have no interest in tragedies. I much rather destroy everything and start fresh, instead of letting it become a tragedy.

    So no, I won't be a fuckin tragedy. Ever.
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