I already developed with Angular, I thought it was cool. ReactJS, I thought it was good. But I've just discovered Vue with vanilla Javascript and I'm completely in love.

  • 5
    Angular is trash.
  • 1
    ExtJS for life
  • 3
    Just wait until you get into VanillaJS.
  • 2
    @thebiochemic "Final size: 0 bytes uncompressed, 25 bytes gzipped.". Good joke
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    I don't know if it's because I'm getting old. But creating in typescript, running webpack and the result being javascript, isn't it like writing in C++ and running a transpiler for Python? I know the comparison was very crude, but you get my point.
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    @retoor In fact, I'm still more comfortable with server-side rendering (JSP/PHP/Razor...). And I still haven't found any SPA frameworks that I've looked at and gone "WOW!". Vue with raw Javascript seemed very, very easy to me and in a very short time I had a good prototype (using routes, transitions, components, etc).
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    @codingfreedom I prefer server side rendering too. If I look at the past 15 years what we did to web development... Holy fuck.
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