
My last rant with example of usefull PHP function in old inhouse CRM software was somewhat popular, so I decided to post more stuff. This time we look at the login function. Besides obvious problem of SQL injection (that i of course tested) we have two calls to the same 'poslednji_login()' method (translated to english - 'last login') that actually just returns current time, not the last login time... twice...

  • 0
    why does it have to be called once before encryption and once after, though?
  • 0
    No fucking idea, it just returns time
  • 1
    Also, encryption function doesn't really encrypt anything it just scrambles the string in a predictable way :D
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    @pajaja let's hope your database doesn't get into the hands of crackers. also, does that code document how the scrambling is done?
  • 1
    @asgs No documentation at all. There are sometimes few comments in the code but nothing that is useful.
  • 0
    @pajaja Latency issues with the server.
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