
This one's for the #codergurlz! ☺️

  • 12
    Ohh yeah.. Fuck you! Java
  • 23
    Props to her, and fuck that dude for just assuming she didn't know Java because she wanted to punch it in the face.
  • 0
    @No-one tell me that again after using either kotlin (if you want to use Java libs) or using a language that you can print hello work in a single easy to understand line of code.
  • 8
    @tankerkiller125 Been there. Done that. I still have no problem working with Java and don't childishly hate it.

    Now what?
  • 2
    @tankerkiller125 lol Kotlin is cool, and to agree with you hating Java is almost like hating C (you'd be a fool) however I like the direction modern development is headed with adhering to legacy methodologies and modern methodologies at the same time
  • 8
    Being a professor has nothing to do with knowing Java. Point me to your GitHub
  • 1
    It suck ass... For me that is. No wonder there should be plenty of people with bad taste for it should be a cool language. That and that crap of PHP.
  • 2
    @Letmecode I appreciate your defense of CS integrity.
  • 0
    Yep... censor her name in the profile but not in the tweet. lol gj
  • 1
    @Letmecode he did remove it - was a proper shitstorm on twitter, it was blown way out of proportion imo to the point where it was a witch hunt, similar to people boycotting a conf if Douglas Crockford was invited to talk. The internet is a bunch of whiny bitches at times.
  • 3
    @SHA-256 her name is not censored anywhere, however, the guy's one is
  • 1
    @Letmecode I agree with you on Douglas, but people were boycotting him for 2 comments he had made, that could be interpreted as sexist (both comments were jokes). People just overreact, pisses me off. Fuck people.
  • 1
    @Letmecode I'll see if I can dig up some old tweets on it
  • 2
    That's why I love Linus Torvalds' attitude. He doesn't give a shit about all this drama or if people get insulted or hurt or whatnot based on what he says/thinks
  • 0
    Y'all that think he's sexist are the reason why people say there's sexism in the IT industry (or anywhere else for that matter)... There's literally nothing in his comment pointing towards sexism. Had it been an exchange between two guys or an anonymous one none would even think it might be a sexist comment. Whether or not he actually meant it as a sexist comment is another thing which is completely unprovable. I've seen dozens if not hundreds of similar exchanges either between two guys or anonymous and normally that type of comment is perceived as a joke (especially with the smiley at the end) or a difference of opinion. The only times it's perceived as an attack is when it's pointed to an overly sensitive idiot... I'm not saying it's ok if it was meant as an insult, but usually it's meant as a joke and/or an expression of a difference of opinion.
  • 0
    @redstonetehnik oops I should sleep more
  • 0
    @No-one yes the print statement themselves are one line. But you have to have a bunch of boilerplate code before you can even get to there.
  • 0
    @Bikonja Regardless, the guy was a douche and didn't need to say that at all, or assume for whatever reason that she didn't know what she was talking about. Had it been an exchange between two guys, he still would have been a douche.

    This one's for the girls because I know they go through a lot more of that shit than guys. So whatever the reason was in *this* case, it's always great to see dick bags put in their place.
  • 2
    @Bikonja "meant it as a sexist comment" is not a thing. I don't think you'll find those who make sexist comments intend them to be sexist but they still are. Sexism and all other prejudice are patterns discernable over time, even if it's very hard to "prove" a specific comment is prejudiced. Pointing the prejudice out every time it seems to occur is the most straight forward way to highlight the problem and change behaviors.
  • 0
    Yes, we can't be sure he said that because she's a woman, but it's quite likely.

    Thanks for this post and comments, I am new here and I'm glad to see this attitude :)
  • -1
    @Letmecode oh, my mistake. CS professors must know programming languages. All of the good ones were made by them. I wish I had a CS degree. I'd get like a ton of girls then
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