
Someone's laptop just go a free character upgrade thanks to the Mr's @dfox and @trogus

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    Awesome naruto sticker
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    I believe my inner geek just orgasmed over that laptop. You have fine taste sir. Linux?
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    @DucksCanCode no, came with Windows, played games, but these days I play soo seldom, if ever, and as I need to format to get docker working, and now that you ask Ubuntu is getting some serious consideration, pretty sure everything I really give a damn about has Linux versions/alternatives I already like. If only gimp wasn't soo shit.
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    @RTRMS Pretty much all important software on Windows has decent alternatives on Linux, and that includes GIMP in my view, the UI may be not as good as PhotoShop, but it's free, faster, and does pretty much all the things PS can do (I can't think of any pros over GIMP right now).
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    @DucksCanCode I used gimp, don't like it, but opening ps like once every 1 to 2 months is no deal breaker. The kubuntu is is on my server rite, will do the migration tomorrow.
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    @RTRMS why don't you like GIMP, I'm just interested in others opinions
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    @DucksCanCode probably as I am used to Adobe, I used it for a short while as I needed to do work for a client and the company was slow rolling my Adobe link.

    Other than some UI annoyances, explain the 3 dam disconnected panes, and it reading the psd colours wrong (unsurprising), it just felt wrong.

    Maybe having no other choice I will get used to it and care more.
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    @DucksCanCode OK, screw kubuntu, it may look prettier but it does not like me, after over 2 hours of trying to get it to see my SSD, ububtu goes "cannot I install on your SSD" not literally, but fuck it.
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