
Valve deployed a CS:GO update this Friday, guess what. It had quite a few bugs.

Never deploy on a Friday, please.

  • 2
    Windows error sound replacing every sound in lobbies. It was such a good meme
  • 2
    We always deploy on a saturday. At least users dont return until monday
  • 0
    112 meg it was, or something to that effect.

    Put into perspective that I wasn't home with my nice fast internet line, I was in the middle of nowhere. Try downloading that on 50kb/s.
  • 0
    they can afford themselves to do this, i think.
  • 0
    Yeah, I heard about this issue. To be honest, there are still a lot of bugs in CS GO. But anyway, I like this game. It is almost classic, I think. I played a lot before but stopped last year. Yesterday I decided to play a little bit, but I realized that I've lost my old account. I'm so sad about it, but I bought a rank boost here https://z3ddota.com/games/cs-go/... and can play as in previous times. PROFIT.
  • 0
    Good post
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