
I see a lot of hate for JS in here. I personally love that mother fucker.

  • 8
    *high-fives in es7*
  • 1
    Same here brother, last few days people have been firing shots at JS.
  • 2
    @hawkes you mean es8 .it's out
  • 4
    Async and await are the best
  • 3
    I tend to have a love/hate relationship with JS and Node. its so good but sucks at the same time.
    Typescript is better tho
  • 1
    Those people need to read the "Good parts of JS"
  • 13
    My theory is that only good programmers like JS because they already know what they're doing and JS just lets them do it. On the other hand if a programmer relies on the language to tell them whether something is a good idea or not, they're going to hate JavaScript. 😊

    Sorry to the JS haters, but I guess it's just too much power for you to handle. 😉
  • 2
    @devios1 I thought that was C++, not JavaScript.
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    @devios1 Agreed, there are a lot of terrible js coders out there. They blame the language, when in reality they should be blaming themselves
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    @JsonC11 if the language doesn't throw you into the pit of success, the language is not as well designed as it could have been. I always say JavaScript is a great language, but it is not a good one.
  • 0
    @configurator what is "the pit of success"?
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    @devios1 Oh yeah, js does really give no fuck about bad ideas. I've written so many horrible 3 am hacks capable of killing weak hearted devs I actually started to like the freedom js provides.
  • 0
    I love JavaScript, it's a love/hate thing! ❤️/ 💀
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