
So i recently had to go back to windows while testing the notification feature in devRantron. Doing this only reminded me why i switched to linux 5 months ago. After having to restart my pc, reinstall c++ build tools multiple times, regedit and switching back and forth from powershell and cmd i managed to install a NPM package. Linux is <3

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    @itay2805 c++ build tools are not 14gb (which VS is).

    I had to use regedit to try to set some env variables that cmd for some reason didn't. After even that not working, i had to use powershell which did indeed work for some reason.
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    @SSDD maybe 😉
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    @Dacexi what is devrantron?
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    @SSDD a really good devRant client which will be released within the next week 😉
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    @Dacexi cool. Maybe you should have explained that in the original post.
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    @SSDD it wasn't really essential to the story. It has already been announced (check @ bottom in colabs) and we'll make another post about it soon. If you want to have a sneak peek you can go to https://GitHub.com/tahnik/...
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    @Dacexi thanks. I will.
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    @itay2805 yeah, that's my point. It's very "strange" that it does not work sometimes, while I have never seen that complaint on Linux (general paths and dependencies) and even if it's not working there is always a simple fix. That goes for the whole os.
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