
Don't laugh but can anyone recommend any free Javascript tutorial/training courses?

It's for a friend... No really

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    You could try freecodecamp
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    Solo Learn?
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    I'm pretty sure "Code babes" is also a thing, but not sure how reliable it is 😂
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    Sololearn is good if you are a beginner
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    Traversy Media on YouTube have very good videos
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    Try codeschool. They have cool interactive tutorials.
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    I tried many courses, codecademy, freecodecamp, javascript30, youdontknowjs, but the best i found is codeshool so far. Because you have to think to get to the solution and not just typing.

    The Sololearn mobile app is nice for the morning commute but you don't learn enough with it.
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    Thanks all.

    Think I'll give codeschool a go. Is it worth paying for an account or stick with free?
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    @BarryBurton it's worth... but try the free options first.
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    The already mentioned stuff is great.

    For elementary school kids I'd recommend the khanacademy CS course, it's a layer on top of processing / js.

    Not really pure Javascript, but it offers a super simple way to get a feeling for various constructs (loops, ifs, functions, etc), while you can directly play around with visualizations and animations, and even fork each other's experiments.
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    When I "started out" with js (4 years ago) , codeschool was shit, asking me to log numbers 1 to 10 with a for loop. Just using console log 10 times worked as well... It only checked the output.
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