
! rant || question
Preparing slides on "how to pick the right open source software" right now.
Any story you care to share?

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    Use github stars as an indicator? I also prefer them to have a decent website if it's something bigger. If the site's shit why wouldn't the product be shit. It's not always true but on average it tends that way
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    Tried to find a implementation of blake2 for nodejs, I'd preferred a pure JavaScript implementation but could only find a c++ plugin, a few months pass and i randomly found a pure JavaScript implementation named blakejs which implements blake2 even though blake exists in and of itself

    TL;DR opensource is often misslabled, because marketing doesn't exist in opensource
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    @IwraStudios what's Blake?
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    @Froot it's an hashing algorithm allegedly just as secure than sha2 but faster

    Edit: blake2 that is, blake was an md5 competitor back in the day
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    @IwraStudios Ah, cool. Thanks
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    Don't refer to articles as much as on forums and choose sources that contain a variety of projects
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    I could tell a story behind the reason I distrust closed source software but I don't think it'll be of much help, sorry :/
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    Thought about open sourcing the slideshow afterwards? (no joke/kidding)
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    Everything that start with open like
    openCV, openBR, OpenCL .....
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