
*girl in office call IT guy*
Girl: my computer isn't working
Guy: what happened?
Girl: screen is blank.. nothing on it
Guy: ok... I'll replace the monitor (starts unplugging)
Girl: wait.. wait.... I didn't took backup yet..
Guy: *face plam*

  • 5
    Yeah if change the monitor, data in desktop location will be lost. :/
  • 4
    And he starts unplugging from the other end of the phone line.. !!!
    Chilly IT guy, Chilly Girl
  • 0
    @theorion Well, the thing you see out of IS the computer.
  • 0
    For really really non-techy people (and children) you have to explain that the thing they are looking at is a monitor and it doesn't do anything more than output a picture. The black box under the desk is the actual computer doing the black magic. And as more and more households never even see a full desktop computer, general understanding of computers within "normal" people becomes more and more blurry. That means more job to do for helpdesk, right. Oghhh...
  • 2
    I told this joke to my wife and my mind blown up when she pause for a second, puzzled & asked me.. so what?
  • 0
    @demiko haha..
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