

Got a freelance job, I need to make a websites for doctors (3-5 pages + mostly static pages). Should i use a CMS? Please don't say WordPress.

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    If it is informational yes use an CMS.

    Some one will have to update the info.

    If its more of an application like time reservation or something build it as an application using a framework or just hand coding.

    And if its both, treat it as two parts with the same design.
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    Don't know about it but but I've heard this one is good: https://www.couchcms.com/
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    @gitpush I'll look into it. Thanks!
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    @bepoXY best of luck on your project :)
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    @Voxera its really a simple website. haha Could be done with only php and html/css. I had a bad experience with wordpress especially those plugins with free malware. :(
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    sulu.io if you look for open source
    CraftCMS if you have a budget to pay the CMS.
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    try boltcms, it's easier than wordpress
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    Agree with @Bresson - Jekyll or Hugo should be good for something like that, unless the info needs to be changed regularly
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    Use a table-based template, with inline style and htacess for acess control...in plain text...

    That should work :)
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    @divil right, perfect candidate för WordPress
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