Can we please show that there is allot of love for windows?
Because I'm tired to see those anti windows rants and comments.

  • 3
    Screw winblows! Just kidding I don't actually hate windows.
  • 6
  • 28
    I find reposting this suitable
  • 9
    I prefer windows for workstation and home.

    For server use it all depends on what I need to run on it.

    Since we use .NET and not yet net core we more or less have to use windows servers and until recently sql server only ran on windows.

    But who knows next time we switch servers.

    But I totally agree that most anti windows complaints are either based on old windows, bad hardware or personal opinion.

    A modern windows with a good firewall is safe enough.

    A bad admin is a much bigger security risk no matter what os you run.
  • 6
    I dont give a shit about what os i use
  • 7
    I love using windows.
    It's the mid between Apple and Linux - ite easy, common and the new one is even great looking!
  • 8
    This rant needs more ++s!!! ❤
  • 1
    Honestly, I gave Windows a shot when I got a new laptop.
    It took ages to start. I ran the setup wizard, connected to the internet. It took an hour or two to restart because it was "updating". After that it had a bunch of updates still pending. At least 3 hours have passed now, and I cleaned all the pre-installed bloatware. It's really slow, with HDD usage at 100% just with light web browsing. Also using 2-3GB of RAM while idle with nothing else open.

    This simply did not happen to me on macOS or Linux, so I switched. Though I'll probably miss Microsoft Office as the alternatives always had some compatibility issues.
  • 4
    @RazorSh4rk times like this reminds me you’re a java guy…
  • 5
    @andrebreda Starting Win 10 on desktop with SSD is almost instant. <3 Even on dualcore from 5 years ago
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    @calmyourtities yeah haha, whatever i make is guaranteed to run on everything
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    @Linux As a macOS user I agree that "Apple people are sheeple"
  • 2
    Windows is great! It gives me something new to spend time on fixing every time it updates. Never a dull moment.
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    The funny thing is, most Linux users run Linux on a virtual box... on Windows host. So, if this is you, your purchasing a Windows license. Lol. But seriously though.. #linuxrocks.
  • 2
    I thought windows would be terrible (at school we use MacOS/Ubuntu at home I use a mac on my server I use Ubuntu). I always felt sorry for those Windows users I met occasionally because my childhood experiences on a PC using windows 98 eventually XP and finally vista were pretty bad in retrospect. Turns out a CS degree helped out. I got a job and use Windows and Windows server at work. Although it was a bit awkward at first, (i.e. not having awk... in command prompt) it's not so bad. Windows Remote Desktop is pretty cool.
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    @andrebreda u might wanna try google docs... They r great for me atleast
  • 1
    I love windows! The BSOD screens look gorgeous 😍

    Lol jk...
    I really like the consistency of windows... All windows and applications atleast look similar... And the font rendering is so much better than available default in linux... 😊
  • 3
    @Electrux Really? I've always found macOS and Linux font rendering to be much easier on the eyes. Even with Windows 10.
  • 1
    @Tribex i say nothing of mac... But arch linux default fonts r bad...
  • 4
    I agree with OP. Lets show me some love, people. After all, I do provide many of your favorite features and updates. But remember, I shove it down your throat because I love you.
  • 1
    @Electrux I'm using Arch right now with No to fonts. Looks great to me. Much better antialiased than Windows IMO.
  • 2
    I kind of liked xp while it lasted. This may of course be due to nostalgia and/or sheepleness as I was not that proficient with IT back then as I am now. :)

    Everything went SO much downhill since vista.
  • 0
    Windows for Steam games. 😶
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    I must admit, Windows 10 has been ~good~, I most definitely won't be coding on a Windows environment, ever.
  • 1
    Love Windows. Especially on my servers. What better way to spend my hard earned cash than on proprietary software licences that could have been avoided if I had used open source software. .net on asp still the best server available. Can you imagine Google or Facebook using any other os than Windows? I was one of the first people to embrace the fact that you need an NTFS file system to use onedrive. Of course I understand that system security and updates are not at all included in the initial licence fee. As a user it is obviously my own prerogative to keep my system free from ransomware. Plus it's got a calculator too so I can calculate how much money I have spent on maintaining the system itself. An antivirus is definitely the best present you can give your wife on your anniversary.
  • 1
    I hate it. I use it, but still I hate it.
    The proxy config is not universal. None of the apps connect to internet even when other softwares do.
    And hate those windows App. Why can't all remain just softwares?
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    @Alt-Grrr Fair enough
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    @anonScriptah And how would you know this 'fact'? Done some research or? Also, welcome!
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    @nukasev I couldn't agree more. And introduction of Apps in windows makes it so much worse
  • 2
    I dont hate windows, but I spend pretty much all of my time in the command line when programming, and even though windows now has WSL, having all of those awesome command line tools natively available in linux still has its perks.
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    @karakamen Yeah, I'm waiting for the flash shortage to end so I can get myself one...
  • 0
    've been a win user for 20 years. Recently converted to MacOs and I couldn't be happier. Won't probably go back to win Os
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