
russia is ending! Finally!

  • 3
    Crazy. I hope that the coup is fast and has minimal casualties and brings a brighter future.
  • 4
    Seen the news. Not sure it is actually ending
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    Btw, Irene is a squatter who picked my former nickname when my account was no more 😂
  • 5
    Popcorn, anyone?
  • 2
    @iiii I squatted so hard. Now I have been using the handle for years.
  • 4
    @iiii the worst things will happen when you cancel devrant subscription. Now the big question: do all mentions made to original Irene became mentions to new Irene?
  • 3
    @retoor yes. When you change your user name (even without deleting account) all the references are lost, because there's no inherent user id other than the login, and in the messages it's just literal text
  • 2
    Just kidding, coup cancelled?
  • 0
    @bigmonsterlover idk, why would anyone want Russia?
  • 1
    @electrineer There is one Chinese region that has not gone back to China after the 19th century colonial disaster (from Chinese POV). That's why China has no direct access to the Pacific, as it used to have. There are fishing grounds, there's free space.

    It's Outer Manchuria, currently belonging to - Russia.
  • 1
    Lmao. Do you know what a psyop is? Cry me liberal tears.
  • 2
    @bigmonsterlover Putin can't get away with a pawn sacrifice at this point, and Prigozhin can't get away just with Shoigu disposed of, either.
  • 1
    @retoor all of the places where Irene was mentioned before no longer link to this account. Old Irene account had all posts and comments completely removed so you can’t see them at all. Seems like a hard delete and the username actually is mapped to a uuid instead of using the username text to reference a user.
  • 2
    @irene nah, if you rename yourself then old mentions will not work and will not mark your former name as a username at all, because that username does not exist anymore, even if it was your former username.

    But your own content (rants, comments and upvotes) gets wiped on account deletion. That's for sure.
  • 1
    @irene here are mentions from 2018 that point to you now https://devrant.com/rants/1311758/...
  • 2
    @iiii I came across an old mention to @irene a long while ago. When I clicked on it it didn’t go to my profile like new mentions to @irene do. It didn’t go anywhere.

    Which is why I assume that even though the comment mention uses the same username it must actually Combe a hidden uuid.
  • 2
    @electrineer oh weird. I stand corrected.
  • 0
    So how the coup or rather cope going?
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    @bigmonsterlover Prigozhin went from being a cook to US election interferer, to a wagner PMC head, to freedom fighter for the West back to terrorist, LMAO..

    This is some funniest shit and entertaining psyop I have seen. I'd pay money to see more.

    Remember when he complained about not having enough ammo in Bakhmut and few days later Bakhmut was liberated?

    Ukro supporters are desperate for any kind of "win" narrative.
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    @jassole nah, it's just better if Russians fight themselves if they must have a war. That's why people saw yesterday positive.

    Also, there was some hope that the war might end sooner than expected.
  • 4
    *Poking Russia with a stick*

    - Hey, do revolution!
  • 0
    @electrineer Good luck with hoping, that a coup opposition builds up around one of the highest approved leader.
  • 3
    Perhaps I was wrong. Russia is not “finally” ending, it was doomed to fail a long ago.
  • 6
    @jassole you are giving too mich credit to Russia and Putin. I can understand trying to believe there is a state with stregth close to USA but simplest explanation is the best: Russia is a failed weak state that is mired in a prolonged war with a small country. Putin is nothing but a weak despot. Head of a private military company moving to Moscow after destroying 2 Russian aircraft can not be interpreted in any positive light unless you are a hopeless shill. It can only be interpreted as giant weakness. Even that piece of shit created by Puutin doesn’t respect him.
  • 1
    @aviophile Your narrative along with the others here are built up using "highly" credible sources that found weapons of mass destructions in Iraq.

    So I take it you know quite a lot than me without visiting Russia.
  • 6
    @jassole you are still deflecting. Putin’s underling disrespected Putin, destroyed 2 aircraft-killed more than 10 air servicemen, take de facto control of Rostov region shortly and stopped after some concessions. Mercenaries sensed weakness and played their hand well. They GOT AWAY with killing Russian pilots.

    Putin doesn’t need this “mastermind ploy” to replace generals.

    If I asked you would these things happen 2 days ago, you would say “no way, western lies”.

    Russia is weak, barely controlled by tiny pp dictator. And USA hate rots your brain.
  • 6
    @jassole I lived in russia my whole life (before fleeing), I was born there, at one point I was involuntarily working for the russian military and knew a lot about their inner workings, especially the drafting part (before the war). I can confirm things said by @aviophile here make sense.
  • 2
    Drafting age has been increased, how fucking great is it. Of course, we need more young people dying for a scum!
  • 2
    @vintprox military service actually works a bit different. You can be mobilized even after reaching the age. An din the case of mass mobilization it's actually those that are under the age that are not mobilized.
  • 3
    @iiii Yeah, but they make young men learn how to die in future, because now that they've learned all this, they will be sent to front, no questions.
  • 0
    @electrineer for the same reason CN and US are in africa, resources for cheap. And since russia has oil, CN can join middle east and sell to US.
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    Meanwhile, regime proponents be like: https://youtube.com/clip/...
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    @aviophile Deflecting what. Your source? "trust me bro"?.

    "Russia is about to collapse tomorrow, coup tomorrow, putin has failed. Economy bad, gonna collapse."

    Which country in Europe is in recession now? LMAO. You clowns know how to cherry pick to suit your bias. And this mutiny thing, lol just because it suits your bias which turned out to be a psyop, to station wagners bros closer to kiev. About the pilots, no concrete evidence for that. But go on believe it. xD

    Exact similar thing was said 1 year ago lmao.
  • 4
    @jassole funny how all critique from you applies more on your own comments
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    @electrineer I don't listen to paedo like yourself.
  • 2
    @jassole I'm not a pedo, so chances are that accusation too applies more to yourself.
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    @electrineer this you?

  • 1
    @jassole I'm pretty sure that movement doesn't support lowering the age of consent. You can put your gaslight where it belongs.
  • 3
    @jassole dude, grow up. You are using the child’s tactic of strawmanning. Mr arguments are very specific and clear. You are answering some imaginary arguments to “win”.
  • 0
    @aviophile pft, "specific and clear" but no basis in reality. delusional fool
  • 0
    @jassole again applies to yourself more than anything!
  • 2
    @jassole fucking clown you are :).
    I have never said Russia will collapse tomorrow or coup will happen tomorrow. You are imagining arguments. A mercenary thug bitchslapped your 160 cm tiny pp dictator and got away with it. Deal with it :)))
  • 1
    @jassole here is something for you to cry. USA destroys Wagner thigs with 0 casualties.


    Buh bye crybaby :)
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    Boom! 😁
  • 1
    I've even read speculations that this might be a covered operation - either planned from the get go, or improvised as combo of opportunity and damage control.

    Either way, it's now interesting where not only Prigozhin goes, but more so, his troops. If they follow him to Belarus, that might be an attempt to launch an attack from there, behind the Ukrainian main attack vectors.
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    @aviophile dumbfuck quotes wikipedia. LMAO.

    Don't be smart with me, else I'll shove up an 8-bit up your ass and overflow it.
  • 2
    Nah, didn’t tead. I am over your shit. Cry more in the corner.
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    @aviophile I think he's just a huge troll and laughing. That's why he can handle so many negative reactions and just keeps going without caring
  • 1
    @retoor definitely a troll, but the motivation is more than just laughter. Might even be a paid troll.
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    @electrineer loser argument, and pedophiles resort to accusing of being paid. You can't handle the truth. How's the coup coming circle jerkers?
  • 1
    @electrineer @retoor nah, not a troll. That is the pathetic part with these people. The hate against USA pushes people to look for alternatives. And those alternatives are generally Russia and China, despitic countries that people ran away from, not migrated to. And they spew their baseless hate by using a language popularized by USA, internet invented by USA, OSes invented by USA. This makes these types even more pathetic. Being troll requires a grain of intelligence, dictator supporters don’t have it :)
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