

Serious question: should I learn PHP?

I use the Microsoft stack at work, but I'm thinking about branching out a little. What do y'all think?

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    @No-one or the fact that most of the web runs on php...
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    Just because a lot of people use it doesn't mean it's good for you. Just think of cocaine... or fidget spinners
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    anyone will tell you not to do it, but the learning curve from C# to PHP isn’t that hard as both are MVC and OOP based ( well in the right hands PHP is anyway ), just stick clear of wordpress and you’ll be fine.

    plus, finding a cheap host and spinning up an environment takes all of 5 minutes.
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    @SnafuAI that fact that industry leaders say it's good says enough for me :p and thanks for making my 2 favorite things 😁
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    Node or python or ruby+rails.

    I recommend against php.
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    @Ashkin and I recommend against node, unless you want 45,000,000 files for 3 things ;)
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    Well I started with java then php then js then c# now go, and tbh I dont like php, but it is useful, lots of resources and stuff, still id avoid it, there are better choices, Id use node or python or go or kotlin for doing a web api and then js (angular/react/vue/jquery) for the front end,
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    Why not going with .net Core, for me I'm using it in combination with reacrjs and mobile apps development.
    Though no one is requiring react in my location, but my day job is mobile dev and use react for my personal web peojects
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    Well if it's for urself, learning new things is always good and fun ! I am a .net guy too ... But I've worked on php too (mostly hobby projs) ... It feels good to know things 🤘
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    I enjoy PHP. If it is something that you see yourself using in the near future, learn it.

    If you see that .net or anything for that matter is going to be more applicable - then learn that.
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    @ScribeOfGoD Yea, its very tough. So many files crash every modern pc and dont't even get me started on 100mb node_modules folder. npm install will melt your router.
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    Thank you all for the feedback.

    I'm still not sure how I feel about php. I used to call it the "devil's language", but I said similar things about Python and JavaScript until I used them.
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