
Since Microsoft made Visual Studio for Mac, do you think they might release VS for Linux?

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    I doubt it but it would be kinda nice
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    VS Linux = VS Code + Xamarin + NET.Core - iOS and Mac support
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    With WSL its not really needed, you can write, build, run and debug linux apps using VS on Windows.
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    Just use wine.
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    @CozyPlanes Haha, I stay Windows just because of VS, I want security man, also speed
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    @Mitiko i recommend using rasp pi for VS. 😂😂
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    @CozyPlanes I would.. if wine could run Visual Studio.

    Mac has the same problem, you can only do .NET Core stuff in it. I can't even open C++ projects in it to fix them up on Mac.
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    @xsacha .NET Core is not that bad, considering it has the basic libraries implemented
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    Not that it is bad but just that it is the only thing that VS for Mac supports so it isn't comparable to VS for windows
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    @fun2code Technically speaking VS is an IDE and Vs Code is a text editor.
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