
>too much faggotry, doesnt play webms
>too edgy for me, not multi platform
>whats the point runing a skin on top of chrome
>same as vivaldi, also I can install my fucking adblock myself
Any suggestions for other browsers

  • 0
    How are these ?
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    The whole rant was quote on quote directly copy pasted, from /g/, the views mentioned here are not mine and I don't take any responsibility for further consequences for it.
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    Lynx/Links 😆
  • 2
    Midori, because why should any webapp Work anyways
  • 3
    @linuxxx I actually use lynx a lot. I made a script where i can preview markdown content in lynx while writing in vim. It works great with tmux side by side.
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    @linuxxx @ryanmhoffman
    I also use lynx regularly. It's kinda nice.
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    @Ashkin I'll probably stay a Firefox addict :P
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  • 1
    No shit this from /g/, only children still use faggot, cuck, autistic, and retard as insults. Grow up
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    I tapped to find out who was gonna complain about mean words
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    Vivaldi != Chrome.

    Vivaldi is chromium based yes, doesn't make it chrome.

    I like vivaldi because its fast and responsive. Ive had 0 issues with it.
    And its still in very active development.
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    @zombie01 completely agree. I love Vivaldi and it is nothing like chrome.
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    @zombie01 THANK YOU. I also can't stand it when people refer to Chromium as Chrome and the other way around. Chromium != Chrome! It especially 'triggers' me because Chromium is kinda Chrome WITHOUT all googles proprietary shit.
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    @-c-- Didn't know that it could be used for your circumstances! Gotta ask, are you also like a Linux/FOSS guy or nahhhhhh?
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    @Mitiko What are you saying if I may ask? (as in, what do you mean?) 😅
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    @-c-- Was more asking because we've got a group chat going on with like minded linux/foss (and also privacy/security) people :).
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    @-c-- It's not a question whether I want you to join or not, if you'd like to join a fun/nice linux/FOSS (and privacy/security) related community, you're most welcome to! You don't have to though, it's up to you mate :). (see this as a welcome whether you'd like to join or not!)
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    @-c-- riot.im :). Just signup and give me your username!
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    @-c-- same Arch + i3.
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    @-c-- As in that's your username? :)
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    @-c-- Ah fair enough! You'll be in in a minute or so :)
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    @iam13islucky I don't think I have any life/time left after some years, after all I'm 69 years old, why so serious at 69 ?
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    @Jop- It won't change what Chrome vs Chromium is, no. but that doesn't mean that Chromium == Chrome. I just don't want to use any browser which has proprietary Google code in it. Simple as that.
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    Why not Zoidbrowser?
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