
what are your niche and/or weird hobbies that you don't really talk/share about much with friends

  • 5
    ...idk...maybe like how their sister/mother is in bed... ;}
  • 3
    @We3D dude no. We talked about this. We can't post it even on anonymous forums
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    Barefoot running
    Spotting birds and correctly identifying them
    Dog behaviour training
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    @gymmerDeveloper ooh, that kind of things... my bad

    have to think harder then... I usually tend to talk on any subject I'm interested in w/ my friends ( no metter if they have smth to add or not, but is always good when they do )
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    Looking at lolcows online and IRL
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    Reading and collecting comic books. In my country they are still frowned upon and are considered only meant to be for children.
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    Collecting videogame plushies.
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    I find that most hobbies that would be too nerdy and weird decades ago are considered interesting now.

    I don't have anything too weird, just tabletop role playing games
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