Rant about IT teacher

(This happened a few months ago)

I go to highschool and in ninth grade you learn about Excel and databases in general. In the first half of the year we learned how to use excel and in the second part of the year we learned about SQL databases.
So we learned SQL and how to set up a database using LibreOffice Base. At the end of the year we had to do one final project which was setting up a database and writing some queries.
We had to do it in groups of two and we had to choose for what we wanted to make a database.
We had like 5 minutes time to discuss it in the groups and me and my friend decided to do something like GitHub, so a database with tables for all the users, repositories, etc.
Then we had to tell our teacher what we wanted to do. Others made databases for hospitals, shops, netflix, app stores. The teacher asked the other groups, they told him what they wanted to do and he wrote it down. Here is how it went down with my group:
Teacher: So what do you want to do?
Me: A database for something like GitHub
Teacher: For what?
Me: GitHub
Teacher: what?
Me (very slowly): G I T H U B
Teacher: what is github?
Me: ...
(I was very surprised that he didn't know GitHub)
Me: well, you can upload files and work on them together with other people. There are also things like branches...
Teacher: Ah ok, so a cloud service
(I was done and wanted to end the conversation)
Me: Yes... it's a cloud service...
(Me in my mind: why do i have to be here)

We named our project 'GitGud', a little bit passiv aggresive.

Yeah so apparently my IT teacher doesn't know GitHub, however he installed Ubuntu on some of the school computers so I guess that's nice

We got an A so that's good.

  • 5
    He installed Ubuntu.

    Uh. Why doesn't it suprise me that he doesn't know git.
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    I’m always surprised to learn that there was a time before version control... I guess it makes sense, but how did anything get done?
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    @filthyranter Agreed. It's arguably easier to install than Windows. Too easy.
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    @ewpratten I've recently switched to Arch; what Git GUI do you use?
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    I recently learned that our teacher programmed in C.........in 1995
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    @ewpratten At least you know what it is, that's what meant.
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    @Mitiko C is still plenty used today, so I don't see the problem
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    "He installed Ubuntu"
    Well... Give him a cookie, given my last Ubuntu Installation, a primary schooler could do that...
    And libreoffice base? How was your experience with that? We had to use ms access back in the day... And later a rotten, old and broken MySQL db...
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    i like ubuntu more than windows, so that's why i mentioned it.
    Working with base was actually pretty decent. It worked pretty well on Ubuntu howerve my friend had some trouble working with it on windows
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    @inukinator Well she doesn't know about neither git nor modern languages and because of school is used to teaching the same old boring 99% unusefull content.
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