
When you use yourself as a rubber duck and you realize how much of a dumbfuck you are...

Fuck me, I was using a variable called staticHTML in ejs template. But when passing the variable, I was using staticHtml.


  • 3
    I didn't even know it was possible to use oneself as rubber duck and have success.
  • 3
    @filthyranter you just keep talking to yourself...
  • 2
    @tahnik I just talk to one of our two cats that always happen to lay on my bed or below the monitors (only one of them at the same time is there tho)
  • 2
    @filthyranter That cat after a while:
    "gettin' real tired of your shit, filthyranter."
  • 1
  • 0
    @linuxxx One of them just lays there and doesn't give a shit, the other one wants to be pet so the probability for your prophecy will only be valid for the first cat.
  • 1
    I've been rubber ducking the hell out of myself for years, if only to save the cost of buying the real thing.

    Actually the first part of that sounds a bit pervy, doesn't it... Forget I said it.
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