
Went to a shop to buy bubble plastic envelopes (gotta send something carefully).

Walked out with a new Bluetooth music headset, couple of charging cables, Ethernet cable and a music input splitter and also those envelopes.

Why am I like this 😓

  • 2
    lol... did you expect anything less?
  • 2
    @greenhouse I was hoping that this wouldn't happen for once 😐
  • 8
    @linuxxx well every time I walk by the Apple Store I always wind up with another pair of headphones. I dunno why, but I just tell myself that this is why I became an engineer, so I can afford to be like this ; )
  • 2
    @greenhouse Becoming an engineer to be able to buy apple stuff, damn! 😜
  • 4
    You obviously needed all of that, you wouldn't have bought it otherwise. 😂
  • 12
    I' d be more concerned if you forgot to actually buy the envelopes. ;)
  • 3
    As long as the products were decent quality and you find use for them, I don't see a problem. You'll have that kickass job soon anyways. Then you'll have what I like to call 'fuck you money' so you can blow it on as many bluetooth headsets as you want and not give a damn.
    Lol walk out of the store with like 6 pairs on and if someone gives you shit or looks at you funny, throw a 20 at 'em and say "ay fuck you buddy!" with a wide ass grin on your face...I mean that's what'd I'd do, but I've always been known to be a little irresponsible at times.
    Choice is yours senpai.
  • 3
    I once went to Malaysia, and my brother took me to that mall it has all tech shops inside, long story short, I left the mall with a handbag full of boxes. Luckily I don't live there or I'm sure I'll reach a time where I have to sell my kidney lol
    You are not alone in this brother, we all have issues :(
  • 6
    @nin0x03 That would be me. Went to a store to buy some old server RAM, ended up with a new switch, 305 m of Ethernet cable, a new crimp tool, a few RJ45 connectors, cable sheaths, some clamps and a USB lamp, but forgot to actually buy the RAM. Half an hour later I realized I needed to go back. FML.
  • 2
    @nin0x03 Tbh I came really close to that 😅
  • 1
    @linuxxx Dude you got a new job right?

    You're allowed to give yourself a few treats 😁
  • 1
    @bittersweet Uhm first interview coming up next week 😅
  • 3
    @linuxxx Haha well now you better nail it!
  • 1
    BECUZ YOU CAN AFFORD THEM SHITS :D it always happens to me as well
  • 6
    @linuxxx I'm the queen of shopping. There is no "buying one thing". The mall gets nervous when I show up. It's a real problem.
  • 4
    @runfrodorun lol
  • 0
    because you're smart
    or shopping when you're hungry
  • 0
    Ah, impulse buying. My biggest weakest.
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