
So my USB DVD drive needs more power than a normal USB port can deliver.
Normal Person: I'll bring it back to the store and get a diffrent one.


  • 7
    Me: 2amp power bank

    Nice engineering
  • 3
    Does it work?
  • 3
    It's always nice to make things by yourself, but such y-formed usb cables are readily available in every electronic store.

    If the external drive needs more than 500mA it should already include such a cable (provided you bought a complete device and you didn't assemble drive and case yourself)
  • 2
    @dontPanic Yes it does! Before I had a lot of dropouts but now its perfect :)
  • 1
    @ddephor It draws 1.3amps at max and there was no exeternal power input nor such a splitter cable. I think some engineer at Samsung messed up a bit.
  • 1
    @JFK422 1,3A? Aah, you used three cables? Ok, that's not what you get at the electronics store.
    But if it's supposed to be run on USB power something's really wrong.
  • 0
    Wait, it's been a while since I took electronics but doesn't that double the voltage?
  • 1
    @devios1 If you would connect it in series it would add up the Voltages. I connected it in parallel, which adds up the current.
  • 0
    @JFK422 Ah thanks I had it backwards. :)
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