
You guys should really take a look at your YouTube history sometimes (If you use it). It's amazing how I move from one video to another.

Here is what I did yesterday:

- I watched a GOT Season 7 review
- Then for some reason, I watched Underground nuclear test
- Several HD footages of Nuclear tests
- Top 10 Demolitions gone wrong 😕
- "No Planes" in 9/11 attack 😕
- Amber Heard's Sexy Prank 😕

Fucking hell, I need to get back to work ☚ī¸

  • 14
    Mine is usually filled with Ted talks, conferenced, scishow { main, psych, space} , kurzgesagt, computerphile & numberphile...

    I don't deviate much from those :p
  • 3
    @lotd yeah, I had those days as well. I try not to go near TED as I end up spending hours on those videos.
  • 3
    @tahnik haha yeah.
  • 4
    @tahnik i turned off a long time ago
  • 6
    Mine is mostly ASMR.
  • 2
    I saw the google settings page once, disabled everything there so I'm not able to see how my mind works ^^
  • 1
    @lumi you make soap????????? That's awesome!
  • 1
    @lumi that sounds pretty cool. I just bought tooth paste (4 pack) that was accidentally placed on clearance, and then had a 25% off. So I'm good on toothpaste for a while, but when I run out, I might try that. I hate having to remember to stop and buy more...
  • 1
    @lumi thanks :)
  • 2
    My YouTube history ranges from Game and Film Theory to creating drops for your edm or likewise to numberphile mathematics videos to coding tutorials to making a perfect camera angle to film to animation videos from theOddsoneout and Alex Clark. Oh god, I should stop and take control over my life.
  • 3
    youtube: the black hole of a devs universe. you can get in, but stopping and getting out of the input loop is impossible
  • 3
    Mine is 99% my coworkers podcast and whiskey reviews...
  • 2
    I watched a lot of lava videos yesterday
  • 14
    @2erXre5 That is exactly what happens to me every time. Once I got late because of it...
  • 1
    @lotd No Tom Scott?
  • 2
    @filthyranter once in a while.
    Last i watched his videos, he was talking about Bluetooth :)
  • 1
    @Floydian I had mine on pause as well. But I eventually realised that all the suggestions I get when I go to YouTube is completely irrelevant. And I don't want all those trendy bullshit in my feed. So I resumed it.
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