
Bootstrap themes are... intresting... 😩

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    Bootstrap is for people who won't design 🤷‍♂️
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    @inukinator Well, yeah. I don't want to spend too much time on this project since it's just a side thing for my class. My teacher wanted me to make a site where we can share code. Apparently he does not like github...
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    @olback what's wrong with gitlab?
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    @inukinator more for people who can't design. I'm a backend php developer, so what if I take a shortcut to style my bloody buttons or make a table without having to worry about it looking the like the CSS equivalent of Ron Perlman
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    Yeah, and I really want use this, or not yet.😂
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    @magis exactly. Bootstrap gets so much flak but not everyone can or wants to design. Slap some defaults or get one of the Bootswatch replacements and it'll be "different" enough.
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