
I finaly managed to make a dark mode on slack desktop app! Still has some bugs (like scrollbar being white) but works well enough for me. If anyone is interested tell me in the comments 🙂

How i did it (Linux paths but should be the same process for Windows):

You can execute scripts in /usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static/index.js

Using that i figgured out that slack desktop is basically an actual webview to their website and some os hooks.

To edit the contents of the webview you can call `document.getElementsByClassName('WebViewContext')[0].executeJavaScript("alert(1)")`

Then i just simply packaged up some custom css to be loaded with JS.

Quite simple actually.

Using this method you can create all kinds of plugins for slack, so go wild!

  • 2
    @nik123 i have no idea how to do gtk or qt. Slack is electron which is css, js and html.

    You need to replace the contents of /usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static/index.js with my script: https://pastebin.com/BKNsSSt4 (MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP THE FILE IN CASE YOU WANT TO GO BACK)
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    @nik123 Also, my recommended sidebar theme: #2a2a30,#49494f,#2D9EE0,#FFFFFF,#49494F,#c8cccf,#68d65e,#DC5960

    Most should work but this fits in the best.
  • 2
    Favorited fit when I download slack eventually
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