
For a project we have to formulate political viewpoints and laws about digitalisation. It's not for a computerscience class, but for a additional class on politics. We have to formulate laws or guidlines/goals for the politicians to work towards in regards to "digitalisation" for the society/country we would like to live in.

For example stuff like "there should be net neutrality to guarantee free information and equal oportunities for all" and such stuff or "programing should be taught in school to prepare people for the economy of tomorrow" so it isn't limited to anything.

If you where a kind of king/ruler/what ever, what policy (in regard to "digitalisation") would you define and why? (Note: they doesn't have to be realistic for now. They shouldn't end in a dystopian future, but in a "better" future for all of humanity.)

What I thought of so far would be:
- Government use and promote Opensource and practice Opendata
- strong rights to privacy, you can request your data and demand it being deleted
- basic programing/IT education in school
- "reschool" program for people currently in the workforce that want to learn new things
- develope a policy on AI
- promote that Computer Science isn't just for boys but for every one
- less working hours per week due to automatisation/splitting the work among the whole population/basic income

*yes I'm lazy, thanks for doing part of my project ;)

  • 1
    I've got to take a class on societal issues and ethics in computer science. Sounds like a real snoozer
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