
Fuck MySQL Workbench!
I have spent 2 fucking days diagramming a 350 table database 3 times over because if it doesn't crash and ignore your saves it corrupts its own data and drops the hours of formatting you've done! Now I'm trying to print an ugly un-formatted piece of sh*t because I need to get on a flight to the meeting I need to present this at and it ignores all my default printer settings and wastes 40 A3 sheets of paper. Does Oracle even use the shit they are releasing? For the love of god if you can't maintain it for free fix your fucking bugs and I will buy a license but I cant keep working like this.

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    Never liked that shit, DataGrip looks promising but yearly subscription :/
  • 1
    @gitpush I'll check it out, I'm just fucked off that I spent 3 days repeatedly doing work only to look like an idiot who doesn't have his shit together today!
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    @kurtr ya it's a mess and a waste of really valuable time in these situations :/
    I don't know how far Data Grip goes but I tested it on basic SQL scripts
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    @gitpush Looks like they do diagrams, I'll test it out. At first glance the license seems steep but $199 costs less than the time I've wasted on workbench.
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    @kurtr ya it's subscription is what kept me away :/
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    We use it at work.
    Sometime I love it, sometime I just want to kill everybody who worked on it.

    Working with database is almost perfect, working on diagrams makes me want to quit my job.
    And with the last update of OSX, it even got worse. FML.
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