
Today, Samsung placed an two A4 page ad in a local free newspaper, in which they describe since when they implemented the features from the new iphone

  • 27
    eat it, apple
  • 28
    They should have added: doesn't cost a thousand bucks
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    @404response they aren't that far away anymore...
  • 7
    @404response note 8 is close to $1k
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    @Divisionbyzero @QueenMorgana oh, I didn't know. I guess I still have that image of Samsung in my mind that they sell high end phones way cheaper than apple.
    Good old Galaxy s4 times
  • 6
    This was today in one of the biggest Swiss newspapers.

    Freely translated:
    "The most recent brings not always the latest technology."

    "The Galaxy S8 does already what other smart phones just come up with."

    Maybe not the best translation. Our lingophile @AlexDeLarge is better with this kind of stuff. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    EDIT: The image does not want to upload...
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    Today, I wish I could read whatever language it is and understand the troll in details made by Samsung on Apple..
    Apple should really focus on innovations now..
  • 4
    By innovations, I didn't mean to just remove volume buttons, home buttons, audio jacks and charging ports...
    Common Apple, keep something where one can insert something or press...
    Hardware touch sometimes feels better and more transparent...
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    Sau geil ๐Ÿ˜‚ Grüessli id Schwiiz
    /* So funny ๐Ÿ˜‚ Greetings to Switzerland */
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    @github only thing removed is headphone jack. And its not like only Apple is doing it. Home button is now kinda as a gesture kinda as a side button. And Touc ID is changed into Face ID. That recognizes yours face structure. Not like with Iris scanner that focuses on an eye. Two different things.
  • 1
    @afrometal face recognisation is not new.. and currently, fingerprints sensor r more reliable..
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    @github face recognition you know uses image for it. Photo of your face. Face ID uses infrared and face structure. Yours face shape, not look. And it's based on neural network.
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    @afrometal yeah.. I was reading about it. My friends were working on such similar project to identify real face and video of face to identify spoof face as their final year College project.. Reading further on what sorts of NN (I guess some modified version of CNN) Apple is using from open sources available..
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    @Noren oh isch das öppe en schwizer๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜Š
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    @QueenMorgana I still want one though!
  • 4
    @mclark1129 I bought one. I had the note 7 and had to send it back, so I got to take part in the trade in deal. Need to get Samsung my old phone still so I don't get charged the difference
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    @QueenMorgana What are your feelings on it, pretty sweet? I usually put an otterbox on my phones so the only thing I'm worried about is that it will be too bulky or not protected.
  • 5
    @mclark1129 I fucking love it! I missed my note (destroyed my 5 so I couldn't go back to it) so I'm a happy girl again.

    Reading sucks less again, I can take faster notes, Netflix looks beautiful. And the camera is fucking awesome for a phone (still have Sony mirrorless for important shots).
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana Awesome! Consider me sold on it then!
  • 4
    @mclark1129 I loved my 4. And have been regretting selling it. This is damn close to making me just as happy. Plus, my battery life lasts all day ๐Ÿ˜„
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    Interesting that we have so much swiss guys here. I wonder who‘s from austria?๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡น
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