My Senior php backend team leader told me I could choose a new laptop, he said:
"You could always choose a mac, and be a real developer"
mean while I was already downloading ubuntu, and replied
"No thanks, I don't do html/css"

  • 3
    So they have money to burn for a glorified gimped *nix pretty netbook (Mac)? if so use that money to get an actual pc with an actual graphic card on it mate, also welcome to the site
  • 4
    Lol 😁 9/10 (minus one for Ubuntu)
  • 2
    @rc5-asdf the "linux sucks" videos on youtube from the OpenSuse guy Bryan Lunduke pretty much nails alot of the problems with linux, mainly being since ironically letting you have unmettered freedom makes sometimes people just causing havoc when they just fork to damnation so yeah, that is just one of the few things I kind of agree to an extend of an standarized OS ... if it wasnt so hardcore on the patents and such...
  • 2
    I'd love to have a mac for free... Just so I could sell it, get similar specs for half the price and get sone extra money.
  • 1
    Going to assume this is tongue in cheek. I've got Windows 10, Linux, and Mac laptops, and they're all great for different things. I consider the MBP to be in between Linux and Windows. It has a nice gui and desktop, but it also has an awesome shell with familiar commands (I chose Fish, YMMV). I tried staying with Windows for anything beyond gaming and could not. Even with the Ubuntu shell installed, I had trouble installing Ruby and Node and various package managers... And I couldn't use my fave terminal. :(
  • 0
    If it was arch it would have been a better burn. ARCH MASTER RACE! (jk)
  • 0
    *sprints to supermarket to get a truckload of ice cubes* - burn!
  • 1
    @Strex to be honest, I do want to 'learn' arch because the idea of doing everything yourself, and having bleeding edge software is amazing... Damn is either working on my side projects or learning arch :(
  • 0
    @incognito tbh u just have to use arch to learn it, after a while u get used to it, but yeah setting it up to ur preference for the first time may take little time
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