
It was my first month as a driver developer fresh out of grad school, at a semiconductor company. There was an elusive memory alignment bug that had eluded the experts on the team. Of course, they had to assign it to me.

I was looking at the code where alignment was being calculated for nested structures case. I saw something funny: "size_t(object)". I asked the expert where it should have been "sizeof(object)". And, sure enough it was!!

I was super-thrilled to have fixed a bug in my first month, which had troubled the team for a long time! ^_^

  • 7
    PS: @dfox Please add editing of rants and comments. I am prone to typos, and realize what typos I've made only after posting! Almost always. Sigh. #irony

    I'm sure many would find the feature useful.
  • 1
    Thought size_t is a type definition of unsigned into of some sort. How did that even compile?
  • 1
    @benhongh Probably registered as typecasting.
  • 0
    @hackedranger Yes. Registers as typecasting.
  • 1
    Mirroring t horizontally gives you f
    _ can also be considered a blank space.

    Maybe the team wanted you to fill in the blanks.
  • 1
    sorry I just had to make that joke 😂
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