Assuming your office is not against workplace dating, how would you feel/react if a colleague asks you to a date on Slack?
Scenario 1: you guys work in the same team.
Scenario 2: you guys work in totally different teams.

  • 3
    Depends on the person and love normally doesn't care about policies.
  • 2

    Prob not a good idea.
  • 0
    in both cases you might end up with an ally or start thinking of changing work place... as an alternative you might just stop talking but at work that behaviour is not allowed ( I mean if in the same team... ) so that can lead to awkward situations and talks at work... unless you are a good buddis already ;)
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    Scenario 2 would be ok.
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    @ars1 you never know if he is not a good friend with your PM ;)
  • 3
    Would prefer an email over slack. Shows the person knows his manners.

    Imagine the poor person getting an out of office reply in return
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    You can always find a new job, but not a life partner.

    Go for it either way
  • 1
    In the same team - probably a bad idea, because people are most often inadequate in intimate relationships and hold a grudge for ages just for the fact it haven't worked out.
  • 1
    Why would anybody do that on slack of all possible ways? But no, hard no, never shit where you eat.
  • 2
    @msdsk but that's how farming works
  • 1
    @electrineer fair, as long as you are a cow. Otherwise human excrement is not terribly good as a fertilizer.
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