
How do you do bootstrapping of blanko machines?
Imagine you get a linux/BSD/osx machine and you want it set it up to a defined state to be prepared for further setup.
Like users
ssh config
Sudoers file
Config management client or credentials
Software like vim, htop and tmux

A simple shell script sounds a bit archaic to me and i was wondering, if there is a better way...

Makefiles also came to my mind but still... Unsatisfactual

  • 1
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    Yeah, thought so
    But then the only option is to install ansible on the local machine and let a playbook run against local host...
    Still, i thought there might be some better way, dunno
  • 3
    @devnope Other than that I just make shell scripts :)
  • 0
    the best way would to have ldap (active directory) server for the users if you have multiple servers. besides that use something like cloudinit, preseed, or Kickstart to run ansible, puppet, chef, salt or any configuration management
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