  • 6
    I disagree with the amount it shows for designing. I spent hell lot of time in it and requires review approval from peers and seniors to start with implementation
  • 11
    thats how I do it :)

    public static void YouShouldOnlyCallThisMethodWhenThePlayersHealthIsLowerThan0() {

  • 2
    Hahaha so true 😂 I'm terrible person when it comes to naming my shit
  • 3
    My file names are "First Try" and variable names are anonymous "a" s and "x" s. Go on, hate me.
  • 2
    Apologies in advance for the blatant self promotion...

    Need help generating names:
  • 1
    Hell yes. Also spend lots of time on documentation
  • 0
    Hello @DefiniteGoose
  • 1
    true that naming is one more time consuming than average, but then forgot writing documentation, tests, validation and making sure user doesn't do stupid thing is by far the most time consuming for me
  • 1
    No for me it's trying to understand code written by monkeys.
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