
Let me just delete this symbolic link and leave it copying the folder to the ssd real quick while I go to lunch...

Lessons learned:

1 - don't put a fucking / at the end of `rm -rf /path/to/link`

2 - don't ignore the warning of it being a folder after trying to `rm /path/to/link`

3 - backup your fucking dev database too

4 - don't do stuff hungry


  • 3
    @ArcaneEye yeah, I rm'd the fuck out of my 30gb dev database instance 😂, I restored from a previous prod backup and had to build the new stuff again, I thought it would take more time but after everything was set it was about one hour to put everything back :)
  • 0
    That sucks man
  • 1
    I did that at a previous job, thankfully on the dev server. I wondered what would happen if I tried to delete a file that I just deleted, resulting in 'rm -rf /' since the file name was undefined...
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